Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today is my fourth day in Sevilla, Spain. It has been so exciting and such an amazing experience so far. It took us 15 hours; give or take a few to make it to Sevilla. The flight was long but we were so excited to get here. The taxi driver drove extremely fast and all the cars were switching lanes weaving in and out of each other at a rapid pace. We found out later that it is very expensive for people to buy cars and get their drivers licenses. The system for driving is very incomplete here, and there are not many laws or speed limits. Although the driving system is not very good, the transportation system here is way better than in America. Most people walk, take trains, buses or taxis, to wherever they need to go. Maybe America should raise the price for getting ones license to encourage more people to take public transportation.

When the Taxi driver dropped us of he threw all of our luggage onto the sidewalk gave me my change and drove off without saying a word. Ellie and myself stood on the side of the street like lost puppies before we figured out that our apartment was right across the street. We were surrounded by tall apartment buildings and the streets are made of cobble stone and very narrow. The apartment building is gated so we walk to the gate on “la calle de Brasil” numero 12. I pushed the button that said 4B and was soon greeted with the friendliest voice, saying Hola!! She buzzed the gate open and then came down to help us with our bags, giving us a kiss on each cheek to say hello. Our room was very small just enough space to fit two small beds and a side table, with closet doors that slide open because there would be no room for them to open outward. The window to our room is big and when you look out, you can see the rooftops of all the apartment buildings where women are hanging the clothes of their families out to dry. Inside the apartment it is very small and compact but astonishingly and a very different from American lifestyle, this small apartment fits seven people quite nicely and comfortably.

The family we live with is beautiful and so warm and welcoming. Apart from the slight language barrier, we all try and talk a lot in an attempt to get to know one another. They all have great golden brown skin greenish blue eyes and brown hair with golden highlights that have been bleached by the hot Spanish sun. Nobody in the family speaks English except the mom who can understand and speak only a little. The dad comes in occasionally during dinner to explain what we are eating.

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